The way we consume video content is changing.
Netflix. Hulu. You Tube. HBO Now. Amazon Instant Video. DVR.
The way we communicate is changing.
Email (always is popular). SMS/Text. WhatsApp. Facebook Messenger. Voxer. Telegram.
The way we physically get around is changing.
Uber. Lyft. Sidecar. Curb.
The way we listen to audio is changing.
iTunes. Google Play Music. Spotify. Pandora. Rdio (RIP)
The way we educate is changing.
Kahn Academy. Code Academy. MIT/Standford/Etc Free Online Classes.
The way we research things changed about two decades ago.
The Internet. Wikipedia. Blogs.
What do all of things have in common?
They’re all on-demand.
We live in a world where we can now determine when and where we will reply to a text message or email. We get to watch what we want to watch when we want to watch it. We get to usher a cab/ride when we need to go somewhere at any point in the day. We get to listen to the music that we want to listen to when we want to listen to it. We get to learn what we want to learn when we want to learn it.
Many industries are getting disrupted by the on-demand economy.
Radio has been changing for years
Radio is ineffective because it’s live. I can only listen to what is on, right now, pre-programmed by someone who has tastes that are marginally similar to mine.
Don’t like a song?
Too bad. Listen to it.
Don’t like this ad?
Too bad. Listen to it.
Podcasts Are On-Demand Radio
That’s all there is to it. They’re on-demand radio that give you the ability to fast forward, rewind, save for later, etc.
Can’t listen to it now?
No problem. Listen to it later when you have time.
Can’t listen to the whole show?
No problem. Listen to the rest when you have time.
Miss something?
No problem. Hit rewind and listen to it again.
This is one of the reasons why Howard Stern remains a powerhouse on Sirius/XM. Though his show is not a podcast it is consistently replayed all day and through his off time during the weeekends/etc. If fans miss a show, they can tune in and catch it any time of the day. Without this, his show would be far less popular, IMO. Unfortunately not everyone can listen to it at any time they want but this consitent replay exposes his show as an on-demand show. Listeners listen during the day when they have time.
This is exactly why podcasts are becoming popular.
Podcasts are On-Demand Radio.
Download it and listen to it when you have time. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Whenever.
That is why Podcasts are becoming popular.
If you’re an Android Developer/Mobile Developer you might like my podcast – Fragmented. Its a podcast about Android Development that I host with Kaushik Gopal.
The way we educate is changing.
I was expecting
Lool just kidding, good read