If you're using importmap with Rails and you need to pin a particular version, here's how you can do that: This would pin version 1.9.0 of editorjs/list into your application. Without the …
Disable Attachments in the Trix Editor
Use this stimulus controller to quickly disable attachments in the Trix Editor. When you need to disable attachments in the Trix editor you'll need to make sure you do three things: You can do …
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How to Migrate to Rails Encrypted Attributes
This post will show you how to migrate an existing attribute to a Rails 7 encrypted attribute. Rails 7 has shipped with encrypted attributes, so its no longer necessary to use something like …
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Ruby 1.9.3 [BUG] Segmentation with rspec
Recently I dealt with an issue with Agile Affiliate so I'm going to catalogue it here. Long story short - I was using the 'binding_of_caller' gem for rails. Well, one of my contractors was using it in …
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