I’m in the middle of writing a bunch of Android apps and I’ve gotten to the point where I’m tired of typing the same thing over and over so I’ve created some Android XML Live Templates for IntelliJ 10 CE.
The templates are for the XML layout system in Android. As time progresses I’m sure I’ll add in code templates and such, but for now here they are in the hopes that someone else might need/use them. They will speed up your view development immensely.
@font-face { font-family: “MS 明朝”; }@font-face { font-family: “MS 明朝”; }@font-face { font-family: “Cambria”; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Cambria; }.MsoChpDefault { font-family: Cambria; }div.WordSection1 { page: WordSection1; }
Shortcut |
Result |
btn | Button XML layout with width, height, id and text |
fl | FrameLayout XML layout with width, height |
im | ImageView XML layout with width, height |
lh | android:layout_height=”” XML |
ll | LinearLayout XML Layout with width, height |
lv | ListView XML Layout with width, height |
lw | android:layout_width=”” XML |
pb | ProgressBar XML layout with width, height and indeterminate options |
rl | RelativeLayout XML layout with width, height |
tv | TextView XML Layout with width, height, id and text |
Something I’ve found to be vastly helpful is use “a” as the namespace prefix instead of “android” then I can type a:lH[tab] and get a:layout_height and of course, just benefit from cleaner xml in general.
私たちは今まで、語る春トレンドのハンドバッグの明らかなように、がたくさんあります。私たちを持った コーチ アウトレットとcoach バッグコーチ アウトレット、今日私はあなたに教えるのはもうひとつ傾向;花卉の模様が入っている。私たちは普段はこのコーチはコーチ バッグコーチの財布がなくて、しかし私はこのpurseblogの特徴がありす。コーチ 財布,コーチ サングラス,コーチ トート
Business coaching is an informal, open affair. You will meet with the coach and he will assess your business’s needs, and then tailor his services to your precise requirements.