I recently released some new Android Devevelopment videos on the site, Caster.IO. Caster.IO is a site that has bite sized training vidoes for the Android platform.
If you’re an Android developer, here’s a couple recent episodes that you might be interested in:
- Introduction to RxJava for Android Developers
- Logging in Android with Timber
- Customizing Timber Logging Output
There are various other free videos that cover topics like:
- Build Variants
- Setting up a Continuous Integration Server with CirlceCI
- Getting Started with Espresso 2
- Android Studio Productivity Tips and Shortcuts
- Debugging Android Apps with Stetho
You can view the full list of free videos here.
@donnfelker:disqus Thanks for the videos!
Hey, this link is broken https://caster.io/free-episodes-list/ Can you plz update this