Youtube TIP: You can link and seek to a specific point in a video using #t=2m13s at the end of a URL. The t=2m13s means t = time m = minutes s = seconds Example As shown in the video …
I’ve started a new online group: MNGroups. This group is a culmination of many different groups throughout the Minnesota area. The reason for the group is simple: Collaboration. Here in the Twin …
Stereotyping Social-Network Users
I've been using a social network of sorts for as long as I've been using the Internet. From bulletin boards to Twitter, I've been there and still use them all to this day. Their importance is worth …
Sometimes you just have to burn one
This is really old news to some blogger's,but I'm posting it again because a lot of people I know are just starting off in the blogging space. If you have a blog you're probably wondering how …
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Beginning Programming Audio: ASIO4ALL Is Picky
I'm delving into some audio based development with Mark Heath and the NAudio library for a side project. This is a ton of fun and I hope to make a good presentation out of it for some code camps and …
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New GMail Mobile Version
For those of you who use GMail mobile (as I do) there is a new version out. Go to to get it. New Features I'm not looking at the exact features, but these are the ones I …