I've been using GMail since it first came out. I remember getting it and having TWO invites to send to friends. This is back when Gmail invites were going for $100.00 a pop. Through the years its …
Upgraded Personal Blog to DasBlog 2.x
I upgraded my personal blog site (where all this same content is cross posted) with DasBlog 2.0.7 in about 10 minutes flat. It was super easy. I spent the next 30 minutes verifying things worked …
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Software Development: Greeenfield vs. Brownfield
Jargon, slang, blah blah blah... So what's the difference between the two? Its quite simple actually, so lets dive right into it. Greenfield Development Greenfield Development happens when you …
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By Far, The Coolest Flash App I’ve EVER Played With
I've played with a lot of Flash applications, hell, I've written a TON of them. I was one of the very few developers developing/integrating PHP/MySQL/Flash 5/MX/ActionScript programming that I know of …
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PhotoShop Express vs. Paint.NET
Almost daily, I use some sort of digital editing program. Over the years my top 5 tools for digital editing have been Paint.NET and Photoshop. I use both programs daily for editing screen shots, …
I Can’t Read Your Screen, Mr. Presenter
We've all been there, at the code camp/user group meeting/conference/etc where we CANNOT read the screen. Even though your code is projected onto a gigantic screen I cannot see you 10pt Courier Font, …
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