A lesson on why the basics matter more than you think ... and how this simple conversation changed my life, and how it might help change yours. I used to race motocross in the late 90's. One …
The Decline Of Mobile Development
Mobile (Android and iOS) is getting harder and harder to develop for, and devs are leaving the platforms out of frustration and annoyance. With each new OS update a slew of new requirements have to …
Obtaining More Freedom (and Money) with Freelancing
I woke up the other day after sleeping in (slept until 6:30 AM, I know… that's probably not sleeping in for most people). However, when I woke up, I felt very inspired to work on a problem that I have …
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Why Grandparents Spoil Grandchildren
... and why it's OK. Have you ever wondered why grandparents spoil their grandchildren? As a parent yourself, you might be wondering “Why didn't I get this kind of treatment from my parents? Why …
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The Life Changing Magic of Doing Things For Free
When I tell people that I speak at most events for FREE, they often are baffled. Free?! Why free!?! You should be getting paid to speak. They are even more baffled when I tell them that I will …
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The 15-Minute Meeting: Change Your Workday, Change Your Life
If you approach meetings with the end in mind, you can do almost any meeting in 15 minutes. I changed the default meeting length in Google calendar to 15 minutes (here's now). This has given me …
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