I'm not going to lie, I get hassled, made fun of, laughed at and pointed at. Yes, I'm that guy that carries his keyboard with him when he shows up to a new client. Yes, I'm the "booger-eater" that …
Map a Drive in .NET and PowerShell
I recently had to Map a drive during runtime. I purused around the .NET Framework and I didn't find anything so I wrote a quick little snippet of code to do it for me. CODE TO MAP A DRIVE, GET …
Auto-Insert Attribute Quotes in HTML
A quick tip for those of you who don't use tools like ReSharper that automatically put the attribute quotes in for you when typing HTML. Don't you hate it when you're typing in the HTML window …
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A Sandbox/Test Server Is a Sandbox For A Reason
That's right. Read it again. "A Sandbox Server Is a Sandbox For A Reason." Now, read it again, and again, and again. MEMORIZE IT. What is a Test/Sandbox Environment? A test/sandbox …
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Watermarking Images in ASP.NET with an HttpHandler
This will be a first of a couple posts about this ImageHandler and ways it can be used. At times I've worked for different very creative and artistic companies (here, here, here and …
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Belkin is Gangster
A fun little tidbit for today... I can't believe I didn't notice this before, but... BELKIN IS GANGSTER. They're Corporate Headquarters is located in Compton CA. That, my friends, is gangster …