My last post announced that I was writing a book ... so ... What does this mean for the Introduction to Android series? Great things actually - if you prefer to learn via reading, …
Android Development For Dummies
I can finally announce it, I'm writing the first official Android Application Development for Dummies book. I've been writing for awhile now and had a lot of inquiries into what I've been writing …
Android: ‘Must Override a Superclass Method’ Errors
I've been working by myself on all of my Android projects and just recently I need ed to expand my workforce to beyond that just myself. Therefore I needed to make my first hire for my company …
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Gotchas with Rooting a MyTouch Slide
I got a hold of an extra MyTouch slide for testing and wanted to root it in order to put some a different ROM on there (namely Cyanogen). The MyTouch slide root instructions are fairly well documented …
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Android App – Eventdroid Released
Last week I released Eventdroid, the first Android based Eventbrite Bar code Scanner / Event Check-in App. With this app you can check in attendees to your Eventbrite app with your Android phone using …
Pruning Elmah Files with Powershell
We use (and love) Elmah. Due to many reasons we decided to opt for the XML file logging to AppData. This works great and is super simple to set up. The only issue is that on our test and production …
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