If you have a copy of my Android Application Development for Dummies book, then you might run into an issue with a recent update to the SDK. The recent SDK, moves the adb executable (Android Debug …
My Favorite Git Alias
I've been using Git for almost two years now and I personally feel it is the superior version control system. One complaint I did have when I first started using it was that the log command had …
Already a Second Pressing of Android App Dev for Dummies
Wow! That was fast! My publisher (Wiley) recently contacted me and informed me that my book, Android Application Development for Dummies, is already having to be reprinted for a second run. That's …
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Android App Dev for Dummies & Motorola Droids
Recently, a kind reader by the name of Lee emailed me about an issue he had with not being able to connect his device to the computer for debugging purposes. He followed all of the examples and notes …
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IntelliJ Android Layout LiveTemplates
I'm in the middle of writing a bunch of Android apps and I've gotten to the point where I'm tired of typing the same thing over and over so I've created some Android XML Live Templates for IntelliJ 10 …
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An Annoying IntelliJ Android Build Issue
Since I could not find the answer anywhere on the web, I'm posting it here just in case I have this issue sometime in the future. I was working with IntelliJ early this morning and I received the …
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