Be Prepared – A Practical Handbook For New Dads
Being a new dad is sort of like anything else in life that you’ve never done before. Its confusing, its hard, its fun, its rewarding and well, its just plain hard to figure out. Babies are like computer viruses that always adapt. You have to figure out how to keep them within their sandbox before they get out and destroy everything. Before you can confine them to their sandbox, you have to figure out exactly how and what you need to do that. When it comes to babies, simple tasks can be quite daunting to a new dad. Some of these tasks are:
– How to Change Diaper
– How to hold a baby
– How to decipher the different screams
– How to know how to “swaddle” them.
– What to look out for in your hormonal significant other after birth.
– etc, etc, etc.
The problem with most “daddy” books is that, well, um … they SUCK. Real Bad. I’m not joking, try reading one. They make you want to puke or gouge your eyeballs with a turkey baster. Typical daddy books and other new baby books are instant cures for insomnia in my opinion. You get 5 pages into the book and they’re talking about all the happiness in the world. Yeah. Right. Sure.
They are full of typical puppy dogs and ice cream nonsense.
I need a book that’s for MEN. Plain and simple.
About two months ago while shopping for some baby gear at baby consignment shop I saw this half priced book store next to the baby shop. We decided to visit it and low and behold, I found the holy grail of daddy books.
“Be Prepared – A Practical Handbook For New Dads”
The image shown above is actually the cover image of the book.
You’re probably wondering …
Why this book is “SOOOOOO MUCH BETTTERRRRRR” than other daddy books?????
Well, lets be honest, it just is. But my opinion is just that – an opinion. Lets help you identify your own opinion and in this case an example is 10x better than reading boring lame-o text.
Upon cracking open this golden nugget of information goodness you’re set up with a nice mental image of what the rest of this book will be like …
Page-1 (source:
Page 2:
One word for this.
Finally a book that tells it like it is. A real-deal-holyfield approach to daddy books. I don’t want a book that sugar coats everything for me. I want the book to explain exactly how life with a baby should be and will be. Be Prepared is that book. Hands down, this IS the book for new dads. If your significant other is asking you to read a daddy book, get this one. It will save your life, probably your babies life and it will help your relationship. 🙂
The Book provides tips and tricks all the way up to 1 year old. It covers it all.
– How to soothe a baby (and cool tricks I never thought of)
– How to change diapers
– How to bath the baby (at different stages too)
– How to deal with a hormonal woman
– How to read sports illustrated to the baby (get your sports and your kid bonding time at once!)
– How to take a baby camping
– How to handle crazy relatives who want to hold the baby, but you don’t trust them
… and a TON more. This is only a grain of salt compared to the shaker of awesome-ness in this book. Literally, this small book is PACKED with goodness. It’s so good I’m going to go buy a couple and give them to my friends who are going to be new dads.
The web site ( has all kinds of goodness too.
To view more sample pages check it out here:
If you’re tired of reading nonsense baby books that your significant other has given you (not that they’re full of bad content – just mind numbingly boring) then pick this book up.
Disclaimer: No, I did not get paid to write this. I honestly feel this is the best daddy book out there. Period.
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