While listenening to a recent episode of DotNetRocks, Dan Appleman noted that he created a Google Custom Search Engine called SearchDotNet.com. This search engine searches only relevant .NET …
Codeplex is down?
This morning, I went to log into Codeplex and I got the dreaded YSOD …
Keyboard Shortcuts for TestDriven.NET
I'm constantly clicking "Repeat Test Run" or "Run Tests" inside of of the VS 2005 IDE. Yes, I'm willing to admit that I'm a firm believer in going commando when it comes to the mouse. Its just, well, …
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Handling unexpected exceptions and tracing
I was browsing a site earlier and I came upon the dreaded Yellow Screen of Death (YSOD). It reminded me of when I had to implement some diagnostic tracing for an application that happened to be …
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ASP.NET HOWTO: Enable Default Enter Button in ASP.NET 2.0
In certain forms, such as search forms, users enter a value into the search query box, then press the enter button. If you are develolping in ASP.NET, the page will refresh, but nothing will happen. …
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Overcomplicating simple things – ASP.NET AJAX Confirmation Button Extender
Web 2.0, the big hit. Its everywhere, everyone is doing it. Microsoft has made it very easy for us developers to implment some very cool features of AJAX through the ASP.NET Ajax.NET framework. Simply …
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