Be Prepared - A Practical Handbook For New Dads Being a new dad is sort of like anything else in life that you've never done before. Its confusing, its hard, its fun, its rewarding and well, its …
My 2009 Browser Forecast
The data backing this up is purely from reading on the web and just following a "gut" feeling. Just from following people on Twitter you can see how much hype this thing is getting. Check it out. This …
Why Windows Task Manager Sucks
It never fails... I'll boot up, start a program, walk away, log back into my PC and all of a sudden the disk light on my laptop or desktop is lit up like a Christmas tree for the next 10 minutes. The …
Restoring a Dell Inspiron 6400 To Factory
Last night I needed to wipe a machine of mine clean - back to factory settings. On the 6400 series there is a D partition that has all of the factory settings. It even has a little utility called …
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Little Sophia
Normally I try not to post non-technical items here, but this is big enough news to warrant a post in anyone's personal blog! I'm happy to announce that this last Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008 at …
My Blog was down, Like Whoa.
Yeah, seriously... My "old" host as I like to call them now decided to ... umm... how do I say this nicely ... "accidentally delete my account".I also have something to admit, I …