Lou commented on the last post about using Expression and Func as an expression tool and came up with a much better solution than I had. I’m going to repost it here for everyone else to see in the …
Using Expressions and Func as a Reflection Tool
I’m using Castle Active Record for a project that I’m on and I constantly find myself having to provide column names when creating queries through the ActiveRecordMediator<T> object. Here’s an …
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Excluding Integration Tests from your Automated Build
A simple tip to exclude certain tests from running during your automated build. In this scenario we have a bunch of tests inside of a particular DLL. Inside of these tests we have a folder that is …
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Cannot Install Programs on Virtual PC
Our team is having this really odd problem with not being able to install apps in their VPC instances once the app has joined the domain at a client. The error message we get is. “Please wait …
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I’ve started a new online group: MNGroups. This group is a culmination of many different groups throughout the Minnesota area. The reason for the group is simple: Collaboration. Here in the Twin …
Introducing Twin Cities Pragmatic Beer
I’ve decided to start a pragmatic beer group/gathering. What is Pragmatic Beer? Pragmatic Beer is social event in which various technologists gather to "talk shop" and drink beer (or your …
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