It was a nice sunny day, maybe 70 degrees here in AZ. A perfect early spring morning. I decided to go work at my favorite local coffee shop. I walked in and saw a guy in his mid 30’s covered in …
The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Career
If you’re looking to break out in your industry and looking to take yourself to the next level there is one thing that can help propel you into opportunites you never imagined. What is it? Public …
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RxJava with Dan Lew
We recently released Part 2 of our two-part series on RxJava with Dan Lew on the Fragmented Podcast. Download it on iTunes, Stitcher, PocketCasts or your favorite player or simply listen …
Fragmented Podcast Episode 2
We just released Episode #2 of the Fragmented Podcast. This week Kaushik and I discuss our IDE of choice - Android Studio (and IntelliJ). Enjoy. :) …
Learning To Program Sucks
I bumped into an article that reads like an article that I would have written back in the late nineties when I was learning to program. Heck, to this day I’m still learning how to program. In …
Announcing Fragmented – A Podcast for Android Developers
I'd like to formally announce the launch of a new podcast - Fragmented. The Fragmented Podcast is hosted by myself and Kaushik Gopal. Kaushik reached out to me earlier this year to discuss the …
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