I’ve been working on Anroid projects A LOT this last month. I’ve come to love the android application framework and I’ve found it rather easy to work with. However, I’ve found that the docs do need a lot of work. Examples are just that, simple examples.
My next task was to get Android to integrate with an external application, such as a WCF Service. Then I realized I’d much rather use REST as my model. Using WCF’s REST implementation is a PITA (IMO) so I fired up ASP.NET MVC and Spark and started creating a simple REST site to return JSON. Using Some of the json libraries in Java I was able to deserialize objects into local java objects on the Android side of the application.Thus far, its worked great. I can create an application API through REST and MVC and then create a very rich client on the android. Sweet.
In other news this site may or may not be down for a day or two. I’m moving to the cloud, baby.
Good Idea, how do you manage use sessions using this idea?
I am very interested in this approach. Any chance of a more detailed article with source?
I might be releasing some source in the future, but I'm not sure of the
Everything is completely stateless in this approach.
You should be using Web API instead of Asp.net MVC. It’s very similar, but it’s service not app framework. You’re using Asp.net MVC as a service. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s not intended for (just) that. Web API on the other hand is and if you like MVC you’ll like Web API even more.
This post was written far before WEB API came out. ๐