Today I got a new Apple Airport Extreme router / base station. I have a Brother 2170w wireless printer (basically set it up, and you can print wirelessly all over your office or house or wherever). Its freaking great. I really think every office should have one of these lying around. Its simply awesome.
Previously I had a Cisco router that I used, but it crapped out. However, setting it up with this router was easy. I followed the instructions and everything was golden. Not with the Airport Extreme … I could not get it set up. I followed ALL the manual instructions and read the quick start and then the manual and tried three different config utilities. Unfortunately none of those worked. It wasn’t until I perused the Apple Forums and found others having the same issue. Someone by the name of Peter T. posted a solution (just so you know that i’m not taking credit for this). However, its important enough for me that i need to re-write it down and store it here with a good URL slug so that its easy to find for others on Google as well as for myself for later.
How to connect your 2170w to an Airport Extreme
- Open Airport Utility. Click “Manual Setup”.
- Select “Add wireless clients …” from Base Station drop-down menu
- In Wireless Setup Utility: Select “Allow client by PIN” and click “Continue”
- Push HL-2170W’s reset button(between Ethernet and USB ports) with pen or paper clip for 3 seconds or so until yellow toner light flashes. The Brother will print a PIN number. (Yellow light will continue to flash as it searches for a network)
- In Wireless Setup Utility enter PIN number and click “Continue”
- After a minute or so Airport should recognize the Brother; press “Done”
- Open “Print and Fax”,and click “+” to add printer. HL-2170 will show in the Printer options and you should be good to go.
I did have an issue when I got to step 5 and the Airport Utility could not find the device and it errored out. I completely quit out of the Airport Utility and then restarted the Airport Utility and performed the same steps (this time much quicker because I knew what I was doing). Upon doing so, it worked. Please note, when you get to step 6 … it does take a minute (or two) for the Airport Extreme and the printer to communicate, so don’t worry, something is happening.
Now… back to what I was doing before … 🙂
u gonna rock man ..ncie info
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JTGWJFJMTDDZMG I like it very much!
One quick note, I had to download version 5.6 of Airport Utility for Lion – the latest version, version 6 – does not have the option for Manual Setup. Otherwise this info saved me a ton of time. Thanks!
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i’m running lion and there is no “manual setup.” that I can see in airport utility.
huge help tonight. Thanks!
I’m very glad it helped you. I refer back to this every time I have to re setup my printer! Have a good one!
I have spent hours trying to set up this dang printer with the drivers and wireless set up wizards to no avail. Your directions were both easy and fast! THANK YOU!!!