I’ve been using Notepad2 for quite awhile now and was recently introduced to Notepad++. I love saving time by launching Notepad2 by typing “n” into the command line. I save all the “otepad”s through the day. Its small, but hey, I learned it from Scott Hanselman, aka: the master of productivty.
After installing Notepad++ I realized I would never use it unless I could launch it with the same quick draw speed as of my favorite Notepad2. I had to type “Notepad++” in the command window to get it going. No! I had already eliminated the “otepad” and now I had two more characters on that same annoyance.
I fixed that annoyance by making a change to this registry key …
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Notepad++.exe]
I was able to change it to “nn” (yes, I’m still secretly attached to Notepad2 as we speak, but I’m weaning off of it). Now, I can fire up Notepad++ through the command line with a quick “nn”.
Here’s the registry file if you want to do it yourself.
Hi Donn,
I tried your suggested way but could not make it work
I downloaded the file and merged it into the registry
I get the following message when trying to use shortcut
C:nn’nn’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
You could simply
– add a directory to your %PATH% variable
-create a shortcut to the Notepad++ executable in that directory
-rename it “nn”
To execute, hit WindowsKey + R, type nn, enter
You can also type nn anywhere in a command line, would work
Can’t invoke the shortcut via CMD
You forget to alter PATHEXT system variable